
Non-Religious Group Research

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Non-Religious Group Research

#1 Unread post by Tinywren » Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:17 pm

Hello Essex Mums and Dads,

If you consider yourself to have no religion, I would be most grateful if you could take the time to read and respond to this post. Thank you.

I am researching if there is any demand for a non-religious community group in Essex. In a poll conducted by YouGov in March 2011when asked the census question ‘What is your religion?’, 61% of people in England and Wales ticked a religious box while 39% ticked ‘No religion’. When the same sample was asked the follow-up question ‘Are you religious?’, only 29% of the same people said ‘Yes’ while 65% said ‘No’, meaning over half of those whom the census would count as having a religion said they were not religious. Clearly there is a considerable number of non-religious people in the UK at present.

Currently there are numerous Humanist groups around the country, including Essex, that represent the non-religious community. These provide a community where those with no religion can take part in debates, listen to leading experts and interesting speakers on a variety of subjects and meet and engage with new people.

Please note, that this group recognises that religious groups, through the church and other places, can provide a place of comfort and friendship for many people. Becoming a parent can be a lonely and complex life changing experience, therefore this group is not intended to be replace any religious institutions, purely to allow those with a non-religious world view to have the opportunity to take part in a community.

(Note: Humanist - Have a non-religious worldview.
- Think for themselves about what is right and wrong, based on reason and respect for others.
- Find meaning, beauty, and joy in the one life we have, without the need for an afterlife.
- Look to science instead of religion as the best way to discover and understand the world.
- Believe people can use empathy and compassion to make the world a better place for everyone.
From humanism website)

I am interested to hear your views, comments and ideas on whether you feel that a group would be of interest to you, and if so what type of activities you would like it to include.

Do you think a non-religious group is a good idea?
Would you like to be part of such a group?
Were you aware there is a humanist group in Essex (Chelmsford) ?
What times would be convenient for you (weekdays / weekends / evenings / etc)?
Should there be family experiences?
How often would you like to attend?
Do you like the idea of taking part in debates?
Would you be interested in hearing from leading subject speakers (such as philosophers and scientists)?
Are there any other activities you would like to take part in?
Have you heard of The Sunday Assembly? Would this be of interest to you?
Any other comments?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I look forward to hearing your responses.

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