
Being a stay at home Mum

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Being a stay at home Mum

#1 Unread post by Georgie » Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:53 am

Trying to fit earning money in around a family can be tricky, I decided that I didn't want to pay someone else to raise my children while I went out to work so I looked for something different.
I've been working for myself for 15 years now and LOVE it!!
I've never had to ask for time off for when the children were ill, or going on holiday, complete flexibility is what I wanted and what I found.
Our business is growing and changing and I'm looking for Mum's (and Dad's) who like me want to be at home with their family not missing them because they are always at work.
If you are interested in earning an extra £200 - £800+ a month from a multi-faceted work from home business opportunity in the UK, ROI and the Channel Islands please request some info. 18+

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