
5 year old handwriting

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5 year old handwriting

#1 Unread post by weezypops » Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:30 pm

I have a question about my (just) 5 year old's handwriting. He's just finished reception and is doing really well in school - his teacher said he's 'achieving above average' in numeracy and literacy and 'just above average' in handwriting. His writing is legible, when he puts the effort in but he does tend to try to do it a bit quickly and sometimes it's a bit messy.

He forms all the letters properly and has strong strokes etc, and having been in his classroom a lot his writing is fine compared to a lot of the kids' but not as good as the other show are achieving at similar levels to him. It all tends to slope downwards to the right and is a bit squashed looking. He doesn't hold his pen right and is struggling to see what he's doing wrong - something I struggle with too as I also hold my pen wrong because it's painful to hold it the proper way due to chronic tendon pain I've had since a being a child. I've adapted accordingly but it means I find it hard to show him what he's doing wrong, and my husband can't work out how to get it across to him either.

Do you have any tips for helping them hold a pen right, or for improving handwriting generally? Mine was pretty awful as a child too, even though I did well in school so I think he might just be like me, but he's going in to a mixed year one/year two class next year so I think it's an area he really needs to work on!

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Re: 5 year old handwriting

#2 Unread post by OT Essex » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:15 am

Thanks for your question. It is really important to develop good habits early as correcting them is so much harder later on. The best way to hold a pencil is to lightly pinch it between the thumb and index finger with the pencil resting on the middle finger. For the majority of people this grasp will prevent pain in the longer term and allow for development of fluid letter formations and eventually joined up writing. My suggestions for your son are as follows:
- Work on his hand strength over the summer. Plenty of play-doh, play with a stress ball during car journeys, have him help peg the clothes on the line, etc
- Use small pieces of crayon or chalk to do some drawing (approx 2cm long). It is hard to hold such a small piece incorrectly.
- Practice writing on an easel or on a piece of paper taped to the wall. This can improve grasp of the crayon and improve shoulder stability.

If you are still concerned it might be worth trying a moulded pencil grip to help him practice putting his fingers in the correct position. A 'Writing Claw' is often useful for early grasp development. This looks like three plastic thimbles attached together; the grip goes on the pencil and the child places his fingers into the 'thimbles'. They are available from a few places online, shop around because the postage can often increase the price quite significantly.

If his teacher is concerned in September consider referring him to your local Children's Occupational Therapy Department for an assessment.

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Re: 5 year old handwriting

#3 Unread post by weezypops » Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:39 am

Thanks, his teachers haven't mentioned it as a problem, and still say he's above average, but that it's an area he needs to improve in. I think I'll try some of the grips to see if that helps.

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