
MummyNatal Birth Preparation Classes

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MummyNatal Birth Preparation Classes

#1 Unread post by yournatalway » Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:38 pm

MummyNatal is an empowering birth programme, completely inline with all The Natal Family core ethics and ethos— promoting informed choice, non-judgmental & unbiased education. In a nutshell, MummyNatal doesn’t teach the right or wrong way, just finding your own way!

This means rather than teaching specific techniques to use in labour at certain points, or teaching the way that labour ‘should’ be, MummyNatal supports mums-to-be to tune into what their birth experience is, focusing simply on the present moment (not thinking ahead to even the next contraction) and finding confidence and acceptance. Weekly classes include mindful meditation exercises each week, breathing practice (we don’t teach lots of breathing ‘techniques’), birth ball exercise, exercises for encouraging baby into optimum position for birth, managing intense sensation exercises, birth physiology and birth choices education.

Classes include:
- Birth ball exercise for pregnancy & birth
- Birth movement and positions
- Birth education, inc. how your birth partner and your birth environment can really make a difference
- Breathing practice through breath awareness work to keep you calm and focused during birth
- Encouraging baby into optimum position ready for birth
- Build a mindset for a positive birthing experience
- Increase your birth confidence
- Bonding with baby
- Mindfulness inspired techniques for labour & birth
- Learning how to use visualisation and meditations to help you feel calmer, more relaxed and focussed
- Meet other like-minded mums-to-be due in your area

MummyNatal is accredited by UK Antenatal Regular FEDANT.

Runs on: Tuesdays

Other Information

Classes will run throughout the year and I am offering the 6 weekly term for £50.

Venue: The Upminster Sanctuary, Pea Lane, Upminster, Essex, RM14 2XH
Tuesday: 8-9pm
05/04/16 - 17/05/16
24/05/16 - 28/06/16
05/07/16 - 09/08/16

For future dates please get in touch.
For more information contact me at Your Natal Way as follows:
Phone: 07738 572 554
Facebook: ... 956089163/
Twitter: @YourNatalWay

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