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Re: Abortion

#16 Unread post by karem » Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:19 am

Hi BrandonsMum,

I see what you are saying. Hence I assume you and your partner are doing everything possible to avoid getting pregnant. My husband and I decided that because our age, one child was enough, partly because of the economy and partly because we felt we simply would not have the energy to raise two children at the same time. So I got an inter utirine device and my husband got a esterilization, which in 99.9 secure. If a child is conceived after all that, he or she most be the next Einstein or something like similar ;-).

Do I agree with you? Not really. May be it is because my daughter is a bit of an unespexted miracle that arrived after I had been told I could not have children. I am foreigner in this country, no family, very few friends, none close, no support system but hubby, who was out of a job for six month until recently. And we had a sort of baby scare at the time (it turned out I'm entering my pre-menopausical years, so my periods dissapear for months) and as hard as things seemed to be the idea of abortion never crossed my mind. Although I'm not religious, I do think things happen for a reason. My great-grandmother was one of those peasant women I told you about who was raped by the hacienda owner. Had she had an abortion then, I would not be here today. As simple as that. Her desicion to keep and love the baby has translated into a big family, with mostly good peole (hey, every one has it's dark sheep) that have somehow contributed to make this a more interesting and better world.

That said, I do feel I have express myself a bit too judgemental and I gues there are cases that may call for a termination. Not sure if the "happy mummy" is one of them. What garantees happines? A job, a good salary, having domestic help, being rich? If that was the case there would not be unhappy rich people -and there are plenty.That children are trying there is not doubt. But there are so many things our there to drive us crazy: partners, bosses, relatives, so-called-friends, politicians, and usually the solution to deal with them is not death.

May be is a cultural thing, but where I come from, children are precious, the driving force not only for a woman or a man, but for families and whole communities; the figure of the mother is revered as one that not only produces children, but produces good citizens and good human beings. The single mother is a common feature, specially in the poorer areas, and yes, abortion, although illegal, does occur. But mostly is done by woman who literally have no food to feed their children -or rich girls with "modern" mentalities who use it as contraception. And yet you see woman working to the bone to give their children a better life, and more often than not, this sacrifice is retribuited by loving adult-children, that take care of their elderly parents. Are relationships perfect? Of course not. There are screams (Latinos can be very loud), and tears and silences and do some break up forever. But even with their imprefection, the parent-child relationship is of paramount importance in my country of origen.

So I guess this is one of those themes where we most agree to disagree. At least I gor it out of my chest, and for that, I'm greatful.

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Re: Abortion

#17 Unread post by weezypops » Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:48 am

I don't think someone being pro-choice means they don't think children are precious. I am 100% pro-choice yet don't think I would ever have chosen to have an abortion myself. I just support a woman's right to choose in every situation, from the less ideal scenario of someone being careless to something much more serious like rape. Yes, someone choosing to keep a baby in rather adverse circumstances can work out okay for everyone and isn't necessarily the end of the world, but it is almost certain to be life-changing, and if someone isn't ready to bring a child into the world, I don't think it's fair on the mother or the child that they should have to do it.

As for when it changes to being wrong, for me it mainly comes down to sustainability. While the baby is unable to survive on it's own outside the womb (with or without medical intervention, so I'm obviously not including preemies/micro-preemies here) I think it's part of the woman's body - it would be unable to survive without her and therefore is her choice as to what happens to it. In the same way that the potential is there for getting pregnant every month, yet most of us take contraception to avoid it, I don't see it as much beyond that, very simply put. Of course there are other implications both emotional and physical but if someone is prepared to go through that I tend to think their desire not to have a baby is strong enough that it would be bad for a child to be raised in those circumstances. Once a baby is viable able to survive (with help if necessary) then yes, I agree abortion would be wrong in most cases. I'm not especially keen on the idea of late-term abortion (which doesn't really happen here anyway) except in absolute emergencies.

I do appreciate you stating your argument though, it's very well thought out and reasoned. It's an emotive issue I think and can be quite difficult to disagree calmly about!

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Re: Abortion

#18 Unread post by SheriMacugaygXq » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:03 am

Abortion is a crime. Tell your friend that stand and be responsible for the commitment she have. Killing somebody is a crime not only in the eyes of the law but also in the eyes of our God. She wish to force abortion, there's a lot of tragedy she could encounter. She must also consider her safeness, the operation can possible not succeed. Maybe it will cause an infection. And also if the father sides will get a Lawyers, and file a case against her, she's in big trouble.
Last edited by SheriMacugaygXq on Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Abortion

#19 Unread post by weezypops » Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:15 am

Um, not true at all! Abortion is completely legal so that's a pretty odd thing to say!

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Re: Abortion

#20 Unread post by ramamramam » Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:50 am

this is a bad thing....
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Re: Abortion

#21 Unread post by fayew » Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:23 pm

I second Lou. Abortion is killing your own baby. It means partially like killing you. Can anyone here able to kill your children? How many support them if someone has killed their own child? No, isn't it. Then how can you do abortion?

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