
Is your Child struggling to manage their emotions?

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Is your Child struggling to manage their emotions?

#1 Unread post by GarryNLP4Kids » Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:22 pm

I am a qualified NLP4Kids practitioner who works with children, young people and adults to help them manage their mental and emotional state.

As children get older they become more aware of their emotions and sometimes can struggle with how to manage it. I work with children from the age of 6+ to teach them NLP techniques which they can use for the rest of their lives. The techniques will help them to think in a different way and in turn, will change the way they act when they feel a certain way!

I also work with parents to help them manage their emotional state as well as teaching them techniques that they can use at home to help better manage their child's emotional and mental well being. It is important that we work together to help better manage any challenges that may be on the horizon or any challenges that you are currently facing and with my help that's exactly what we will be doing.

I help with issues such as Anxiety, Confidence, Eating Disorders, Self-Esteem, Anger, ADHD etc.

I offer a free consultation in which we can discuss where we are right now and where we want to be. Together we will come up with a plan of action moving forward and go on a journey together to reach a better you!

Feel free to give me a message or drop me an email at [email protected] and I will be happy to arrange a time for us to speak and book in the consultation.

Remember, I am here to help!

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