
Medical Management of Miscarriage - What's Going On?

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Medical Management of Miscarriage - What's Going On?

#1 Unread post by weezypops » Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:41 pm

I don't know if any of you have had this but thought I would ask anyway in case you have and are able to give any advice.

As most of you know, I found out yesterday I was about to miscarry. I was 11 weeks along and the baby had stopped growing at 9 weeks 2 days. They think it must have died in the last few days. I had started bleeding a little but no cramps, and opted for the medical management as honestly I wanted to get this over and done with.

I took the first pill yesterday around 11 and by about 3/4pm was bleeding heavily (but no cramps, just discomfort). I soaked through about three pads in half an hour and was starting to feel faint so went back into the hospital. I was passing very large clots, but don't know if I passed any tissue - I know when I stood up getting out of the car on the way into the hospital I felt something large, but didn't see what it was as by the time I got into the hospital toilet I just had to basically tip everything down the loo, I didn't even think of using one of the pans as I went straight in there before being seen. I had been passing bit clots though so it could have just been more of the same. Atfer a while the clots etc eased off and I came home, but the cramping started.

I'm due to go back in tomorrow morning for a scan and to do the rest of the treatment if need be and yesterday was assuming that the worst was over as the bleeding was tapering off. However, today there is hardly any bleeding at all, which has surprised me and made me wonder if there's more to come and that I didn't actually pass the baby/placenta yesterday when I was having the heavy bleeding.

With the last miscarriage the bleeding stayed heavy for a week or so after I passed the baby, though did ease off after that.
I suppose I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience of this - could it really all be over so quickly, or does it sound like what happened yesterday was just because of the pill and that I might still need to actually miscarry?

Thanks for reading all this and for any help.

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Re: Medical Management of Miscarriage - What's Going On?

#2 Unread post by Schmushe » Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:34 pm

I had the pills - I had one orally and then had to have a couple of pessaries inserted. (not pleasant).
On the day I had the oral pill, I suffered really badly and bled constantly, It was like I was literally wee'ing blood and passed clots, and in the evening I pretty much sat on the toilet in agony. I thought I passed something and went to the hospital with it as they needed to check what it was - the blood eased and needless to say it wasnt anything so I went for a scan on the Sunday which unfortunelty was in EPU (which is not a good place to have that sort of thing!!) and needed the pessaries to help as it hadnt all been passed. I hate to say but the pessaries made everything so much worse and I couldnt leave until I had passed what needed to be passed. It was so painful and I didnt think a body could lose that much blood......sorry for the tmi. My body was so weak and I could barely make it to the loo, (if you do need to go make sure you take clothes, knickers, pads - just in case) - Not meaning to scare you!!
I came home later that day and spent hours just passing clots and bleeding, and needed to sit on pads as I was losing so much but eventually it calmed down and then I had what felt like a normal period afterwards. (not sure if it was or not). I was a mess both emotionally and physically and felt ccompletly drained for a few days after. - Each person is different though so how one body works and another is 2 different things.

At that time, I was advised against trying again until I had had 3 normal periods - I know times have changed now though, but I do believe that your body has to get back to some kind of normality before you start again, your hormones need to get back to normal and you need to be in the right 'place' yourself to deal with things. It might be that you need to have your bloods checked to see if theres anything affecting the pregancies via that, as you know I have a underactive thyroid and that can cause prematurity, miscarriage and stillbirth - all of which I never would of known!!!
I know there are many things that can affect a pregnancy and unfortunetly termintate it, and if it was me personally I would investigate it before ttc again - but how you deal with it is your decision and you of course have lots of time to make any decisions you need to make.

Am here if you have any questions - its not easy but as long as you dont mind the tmi I am sure a few people will be able to share their experiences too. xx

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Re: Medical Management of Miscarriage - What's Going On?

#3 Unread post by XxJack~AcexX » Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:57 pm

Ahh lovelys, big hugs to u both. X x When I had to take the pills and the gels internally to pass everything I certainly knew about it. The blood loss was awful and the pain, I didnt feel with it. I too wasnt allowed to leave hospital till I had passed all of what they wanted me to. I almost passed out from it. Going ahead from that it took about 6 months for us to decide to try again, and as u no it took about 18 months to fall and have a healthy baby, my body just wasnt ready x x Im so sorry for your loss x x

Im Gemma, mummy to my 2 gawjus boys. Im married to my childhood love Dom xXx

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