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Re: 6 - 8 yrs - The Big Kids

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:47 pm
by Schmushe
Can't believe we're in year 3 now.
Alexa loves geography.
Still wanting to be an author.
Still goes to ballet (3 years now) and joined brownies

Re: 6 - 8 yrs - The Big Kids

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:00 pm
by Schmushe
So AJ is nearly 8 and nearly at the end of year 3
She still does ballet and in grade 1 now (and doing extra classes in body conditioning and grade 2). Shes still a brownie and as stubborn as a mule.
She enjoys all things technology based and loves doing power point homework. She is really good at fractions, percentages and converting them all, so often confuses me at 7am with one of her sums.
She still has ridiculously long hair which is now down to the back of her knees and although she says she wants it cut; everytime I offer she wont have it done.
Another hard to believe how fast the time is going. Everyday she does that little more that shows me how grown up shes become all of a sudden.

Re: 6 - 8 yrs - The Big Kids

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:45 pm
by weezypops
It's crazy isn't it? I remember these kids as babies and now they are so big! Felix is going through a bit of an odd phase at the moment - quite moody and easily upset. It's hard work! However, he's doing well at school, has lots of friends etc. so something's going well. I think he's just a big bag of hormones!