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Essex Mums • ADHD concern or just behaviour
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ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 1:35 pm
by Gillybean
Just thought I would ask really, as some of the things on the check list sound like Abigail but then it could just be me reading to much into it

shows an inability to pay attention to details or a tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork or other activities- abigail likes to rush things and be the first to finish things sometimes all be it if it is a mess

difficulty with sustained attention in tasks or play activities- we have been told she gets distracted alot in class and has to be told to be quiet alot

apparent listening problems & difficulty following instructions

problems with getting organised & easily distracted

dislike of tasks that require mental effort- hates any kind of school work and has tantrums at home and says she cant do it and is rubbish - low self esteem even though she is outgoing?

forgetfulness in daily activities

often blurts out answers before hearing the full question and interrupts conversations- interrupts and like to blurt out answers when her brother is doing homework especially

finds it difficult to wait their turn

poor performance at school - have been told she is bright but needs to concentrate more, put more effirt in and behave

also gets angry and will lash out at her brother and always wants the last hit/push/kick

has also a few times expressed she wants to kill herself and tried to get a knife and even got one once and also has sat or walked in the road to wait for a car to hit her

just wondered if anyone had any advice/comments

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:08 pm
by Gillybean
I have just done an online test and although they are probably not that acurate the results are as follows

Inattention, or Winnie the Pooh type ADHD score 34 "At Risk" Winnie the Pooh style inattention is seen more in girls than in boys.

Accademic performance score 19 "At Risk" ranges for problems in academic performance, or a possible learning disability.If so, the academic problems may be due to Winnie the Pooh type ADHD or Inattentive ADHD.

Depression, "Eeyore-Type" ADHD score 30 "At Risk"

Oppositional or Defiant Behaviors score 26 "At Risk"

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:10 pm
by Schmushe
Gill - if your worried, it might be worth speaking to the school nurse or GP to get a referral for her to be checked out - at least it would put your mind at ease. I know how easy it is to look at things and think you have lots of the symptoms and signs (the internet has a lot to answer for ;-) ), and it might just be a case of she is being a normal child, but best to get checked out

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:16 pm
by Gillybean
yeah Michelle, just trying to get hubby to agree, he was sort of coming round to the notion to get her looked at but I don't know, one of the main things that concerns me is friendship in school, she doesn't know when to give someone personal space, she chases the boys round the playground, yeah I know she is only playing but when she is told to stop by them she wont she will carry on till they turn on her, whereas one of her friends will walk away and then we will say to her leave them alone and talk to her but she doesn't listen and will spot them after school and go running after them even though they have shouted 'go away' it's like she is compelled to do it

most girls if they get pushed over or something by a boy will go running off to tell the teacher crying, not Abie she will turn round and punch them in the face

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:24 pm
by Schmushe
I can see what your saying, but it may just be that she hasnt learnt the social side to things yet, alot of kids are behind in areas. I know a few who are 7 and who are still being told they are immature.
David probably doesnt want to accept there is a potential problem, if not ADHD, but behaviour in general, its never nice to think your kids have a problem. But it would be a simple referral to either Warrior House or Lighthouse and they would be able to tell you quite quickly.

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:28 pm
by Gillybean
I know that and you know that but sometimes I think he doesnt want to know if anything is wrong, he has gone round his brothers so not walking to school with me so if she has been told off he wont be there to find out, part of me wants her to be told off so I can have this conversation again but part of me is hoping she is just immature just a big contrast to her brother I know i should compare but he knows right from wrong if he is ever told off at school he doesnt do it again and he is a pleasure to teach in class, if that is the case where are we going wrong?

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 2:36 pm
by Schmushe
Abigail has had it rough from paractically day 1, all the stuff with the schools shes been in, whereas Dillon hasnt, yes hes had his toilet issue which he has come out the other side of, but nothing in relation to what Abi has.
What about chatting to the school and seeing what they say first, before looking into a referral? They probably see hundreds of kids who do the same thing and will know the signs of a problem. You may find that they have spotted something already and are looking into things.

At the end of the day Gill, if your worried, you mgiht just need to TELL David that your going to look into it, if hes not going to talk about it rationally and prefers to ignore it, something needs to be done. If she has got ADHD or tendancies, then its best to find out quickly and more can be done for her.

Like I have said in the past, they are all going through so many changes, they are going from being top dog at school to being the new kids and thats bound to have a impact, the work situation has increased and more is expected of them behaviour wise, so it might be shes playing up!! She seems to go through stages of doing really well, and then going backwards - maybe something is underlying there?????

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:00 pm
by natalie1982
Hi there my son matthew has ADHD i dont have much time now but will reply fully later

hugs xx

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 4:09 pm
by artyfartymack
Hi Gill, YOur school should have a SENCO who is trained in spotting signs of ADHD. If she/he thinks there is a problem they can facilitate testing etc and work with the family on any issues. Even if she does not have ADHD if she needs help fitting in or with her lessons then that is what they are there for.

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:15 pm
by natalie1982
hi there me again

right from what u describe does sound like alot of the symptons of ADHD however im not really sure on your current situation but what i gather u have just moved schools?

this could be a huge factor in what ur daughter is doing

all i can give u is what i know as a parent with a ADHD child

firstly the symptons for ADHD to be considered must of been happening before the age of 7. the child must have the behaviour in 2 settings ie at home and at school and must of been apprant for at least 6 months before ADHD can be considered.

ADHD is also less diagnosed in girls for some unknown reason.

if she has moved school recently was she like this at her old school? if so how was it affecting her? did she need any extra help or support via a IEP(individual education plan) or on school action or school action plus?

this is what the doctor will ask if you seek to get her referred.

i would have a word with her current teacher and SENCO and see how they feel her behaviour is affecting her.

if the school are concerned then they should start looking into more help this is why i asked about IEP or school action/+.

the school can also get help from outside agencies if they are concerned, either a behaviour worker or educational pyschologist.

personally though speak to the teacher and SENCO maybe ask for a meeting with them both and see how they feel if they are worried then u can go to ur gp and ask for a referal to a community paedatrician.

Matthew is medicated for his ADHD something that was not an easy decision to make but now im starting to see the full benefits of it. he was offcially diganosed 5 months ago but was verbally told he had it 15 months ago

if u get referred the paedatrician can gve you and the school a questionaire to fill out which will highlight where she struggles at home and at school.

good luck

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 6:45 pm
by Gillybean
Hi Natalie

well let me start from the beginging, Abigail was a good baby and toddler and we had no concerns or worries till she started school nursey class at age 4, then on her first day she had her shoes taken off her for kicking the teacher. she didn't take to school setting very well and we put it down to going from private nursery to school within a matter of weeks for the explanation of her behaviour

but in reception most days the teacher told me she would hit other children out of frustration rather than bullying when she was playing witha toy they wanted, the teacher also said Abigail never sat for long periods of time on the carpet as they were expected at age 5, she was always on a good behaviour program to deal with her behaviour be it aggressive or fidegty etc
in year 1 we stopped hearing about her behaviour and that is when communication broke down between us and the school until 6 months into her year 1 we are called into the office and told she had been hitting children and been rough etc since september, I took this badly as they had not told me and things went down hill from there, and then we moved her to another schol in shoebury.
At this school after the first week we thought her behaviour was fine and they were fully aware of her behaviour in the last school but then she began to hit children again in class usually being silly and not listening etc, then in year 2 her teacher said he was always having to tell abigail to sit down on the carpet, listen etc that she disprupted the class but they dealt with it in the classroom where as the previous school sent her out all the time.
she was put into detention quite a few times for rough play behaviour in the playground and rudeness and annoying children in the classroom.

we have since moved schools again as we moved house to and at first we were very impressed as she was well behaved But it transpires that her teacher there also says she can be diruptive although her teacher is strict. she says abigail has to be told to be quiet, sit still etc and agian rough play in the playground, she will punch the boys if they push her etc but wont leave them alone.

we have sat down with her and spoken about this at legnth with her and even talked to her with her teacher present and even walking along but it is like she doesnt listen and then suddenly will see a boy she chases and run off even after you shout at her

the problem I have is that she can be well behaved one day and then the next a nightmare.

she can do her homework one day quite happily but then the next kick and scream and cry and run out of the house down the street.
she is aggressive towards her brother usually to annoy him, will get cross at him and kick him, punch etc. has even smacked him on the heads with a hard shoe leaving a dent, run upto another girl for no reason and pushed her hard through her back door although those things are the extreme and not happen very often.
she has always put herself down and even expresses the wants to die and will be over dramatic about homework, doesn't care if you take all her toys away etc

sometimes i think i am imagining these things because she can be a pleasure

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 7:57 pm
by natalie1982
Hi ya

god so she has moved school a few times which i guess could not have helped the situation and lack of communication from the school is also a very frusutrating part (we have had simailar)

right what you need to do is find out what strageries they have in place to help her ie reward chart etc ask if she is on school action if not say u want her to be as opbviously her behaviour is causing a problem this way it is documented and easier to sort out if its on school action or +.

next you need to go and see your Gp and ask for a referral to a community paed if possible ask if the teacher could write a brief note explaining her concerns (matthews teacher done this and i found it a huge help).

you need to find out though what the school are doing to help her during the bad times.

shes obviously quite violent (thankfully matthew isnt) but alot of ADHD childre lash out or find the impulsive to much and do it without thinking. Matthew put his sister in hospiatal last year after hes impulsive got the better of him.

Matthew is currently on school action plus and has been seen the educational pyschologist. although he has ADHD which affects his concentration, impulsivity and hyperactivity he also had aspergers so hes top of his class for reading and maths.

is she falling behind in school? is her reading,writing, spelling etc age approiate? if your not sure i would be asking as this is something to tell the doctor when u ask for a referral.

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 8:05 pm
by Gillybean
the school haven't raised any concerns yet, they are just telling is if she has a bad day i.e not sitting quietly or causing trouble in the playground, they havent mentioned they need help

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 8:43 pm
by Gillybean
been looking at the symptoms and she definately loses things all the time, is forgetful, difficulty getting to sleep, grabs things from other children, touch things they are not supposed to and generally mess about. accident prone, always falling over and bu,ping her head at school or her knee, school have said she is an aggressive player on the playground, likes to be rough and not girly.

pays attention to tv programmes and things she likes but mucks about when a task is boring or hard.

abigail seems to be more inatentive but there is some impulsive and hyperactive components she can overeact, be moody and invade others spaces, was always told at her first school she was under acheiveing in personal and emotional aspects and in her second school she was told she was not good at writing or reading for her age as she refused to do alot of the work in reception.

have spoken to hubby and shown him the symptoms and he agrees there may be a problem so hopefully we will speak to a senco

Re: ADHD concern or just behaviour

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:04 pm
by natalie1982
yeh does sound like she fits the crieteria for it but they could take alot of things on board and a diagnosis could be at least a year away so u need the school to sort things out now.

matthew does hurt others or doesnt get angry but he doesnt get the whol friends and space thing he squeazes the other kids but im not sure if thats due to his aspergers or his sensory problems.

for matthew the only thing that calms him down is reading he can read for hours but everything else he find so hard to concentrate on.

good luck with the senco