Effective Ways To Avoid Prenatal Infections

Prenatal infections are a concern for any expecting mum. After all, you are what you eat and your unborn baby will be affected by it. Research shows that a high-fat diet during pregnancy increases the likelihood of obese children. It is hard not to be worried about how your illness will affect your child!

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to prevent prenatal infections.

Visit Your Obstetrician Regularly

Your reputable obstetrician Sydney monitors your health and that of your baby’s. It is their job to spot any issues including infections and nip them in the bud. That means you need to attend every appointment they give you and arrange extra if you have concerns or are feeling unwell.

These doctors are experts in dealing with babies and prenatal infections, let them do their job!


To prevent germs from getting into your body you need to wash your hands regularly or use hand sanitizer. Germs spread from your hands to your face and then into your body. You may not realize it but the average person touches their face at least twenty times every hour!

When you have blown your nose, been to the bathroom, or done anything else that could spread germs, wash your hands in warm water with soap. It will keep the germs away.

Cook Food Properly

If in doubt it is best to err on the side of overcooked rather than under, especially during your pregnancy. Uncooked meats are particularly dangerous as they carry harmful bacteria like listeria monocytogenes.

It is best to avoid hot dogs, deli meats, and other processed meats while you are pregnant.

Drink Safe Milk

Unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses carry an array of bacteria, many of which will be harmful to your unborn child. It is best to avoid these foods completely while you are pregnant.

Stop Drinking & Smoking

These two elements may no increase the risk of infection but they will stunt your child’s growth and can harm their health before they are born. It is advisable to stop while you are pregnant. In fact, this could be the catalyst to stop smoking for good.


As soon as you find out you are pregnant you should speak to your doctor about the various vaccinations and what ones you need during the pregnancy and straight after. They will have your medical records and be able to advise you regarding what to do safely and when.

Group B Streptococcus

You may be surprised to discover that one in four women carry this bacteria. It doesn’t make the majority of them sick but it can affect the unborn baby. It is a good idea to get your doctor to test you for it. If the result is positive they can guide you through what you need to do to keep your baby safe.

It goes without saying that you should do your best to avoid anyone who has an infection. This isn’t always possible but it will reduce your chances of passing on an infection to your child.

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