An unplanned pregnancy can be incredibly challenging to deal with. A lot of the decisions that you’ll need to make will be based on your life goals, your values and beliefs, and what your life looks like at the moment. There is no one solution that works for all people – you have to make that decision based on what you need and want.
It is important to remember that you aren’t the first person this has happened to; there is support and help out there, no matter what decision you ultimately come to. You will also likely have time to weigh up your options, so it is vital to try and think through what comes next.
Sit With Your Emotions
A good first step is to sit with your emotions, whatever they may be. You could be feeling anxiety, fear, anger, excitement, anticipation – or a confusing combination of these. It is okay to have mixed emotions, just like it is okay to feel certain that you do or don’t want the pregnancy. At this stage, it is also best to get confirmation that you’re pregnant with a test from your doctor.
Do Some Essential Self Care
While you’re sitting with your emotions, you should try and factor in some self-care. An unplanned pregnancy can be a real shock, and the resulting emotions and consequences could leave you mentally strained. Consider taking some time to do something simple that you enjoy. Go for a walk, take a bath, give yourself some home pampering – whatever helps centre you and help you feel calm and cared for. You could even go for a spa day while you mull things over; there’s nothing like a professional massage to help when you’re tense or stressed.
Write Down Your Thoughts And Feelings
Sometimes organising our thoughts can be really challenging, and it makes complex, difficult choices all the harder. You might find it easier to write down what you feel about the pregnancy and the different choices available to you. This could be in a diary or something as simple as a pro-con list. Often, seeing our thoughts mapped out in front of us can help us feel calmer, more in control and able to make decisions.
Talk To The Father
At the end of the day, the decision of whether to have a baby or not is yours and yours alone. Still, it may help to discuss the pregnancy with the father to find the best solution. If you’re not certain who the father could be, then it may be a good idea to ask your recent partners for a DNA prenatal paternity test like the quick and effective choices from AlphaBiolabs. These are safe for you and the foetus and can be an excellent way to know where you stand.
Ask Trusted Loved Ones For Advice And Support
Finding out about an unplanned pregnancy can be a huge shock and a potentially life-altering event. It is vital that you talk to someone you trust about your options and how you’re feeling. This could be a parent, sibling or close friend – whoever you feel will listen without judgement or the desire to have input on your choice. You could also consider talking to a counsellor or therapist, who will be entirely impartial and able to help you work through your emotions and choices.
Understand Your Options
You have several options when you discover an unplanned pregnancy. Each option is equally valid, and you should try not to let anyone influence what is, ultimately, your decision. You could:
- Keep the baby
- Have an abortion
- Give the baby up for adoption
It is best to try and visualise each of these options and how they will shape your life going forward. It is a decision you may want to think about for a few days unless you have clear certainty as to what you want to do. Do not let anyone pressure you into making one decision or another – this is a huge choice for any person to make, and it should come from you.
Don’t Rush Your Choice
It can be overwhelming to deal with an unplanning pregnancy, and as a result, you may feel you need to make a snap decision on what to do about your pregnancy. While it is true that there is often a time limit if you decide to have an abortion, you need to make an informed decision. In most cases, you will not be able to have an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy. However, if you have had a check-up to determine how far along you are, you will usually have some time to give the decision some thought. Some people even benefit from taking a few weeks, provided they are early enough in their pregnancy. So, take the time to consider your options and find one that works best for you.
Ultimately, the choice of whether to keep an unplanned pregnancy is yours. There’s no easy way to answer the question of keeping a pregnancy – you might make a choice based on your gut and emotion, or you might make a logical pro-con decision. Each is perfectly acceptable, provided it is what feels right. Take the time to review your options and speak to your doctor about the impact having a baby will have on your life.