How to get a Flat Stomach

For most ladies having a flat stomach is the ultimate goal and on most ladies wish list to achieve. Getting a flat stomach depends on your body shape what type of exercises you do and also what you eat can cause bloating. Below shows you what shapes women can be and there are some tips on what exercise can help to flatten the stomach and what foods help not to bloat you out.

Body Shape is what defines us a woman, we cannot all look like one an another, but we can use our shape to our advantage. Have a look at the image below to see what body shape you are:


Here are some 5 simple exercises we can all do to help towards a flatter stomach and a stronger core. You also need to remember to perform cardio exercise daily this does mean slogging it out on the treadmill, but by performing any type of cardio exercise including cycling, walking, running, rowing etc. daily can help keep your metabolism going and fat burning


1. Stomach crunch: this will target your abdominal front muscles

How to do the exercise: Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands on your thighs, across your chest or behind your ears. Slowly curl up towards your knees until your shoulders are about three inches off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and lower down slowly. Perform 12 stomach crunches


2. Oblique crunch: this will target your oblique side muscles

How to do the exercise: Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Roll your knees to one side down to the floor. Place your hands across your chest or behind your ears. Slowly curl up towards your hips until your shoulders are about three inches off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and lower down slowly. Perform 12 oblique crunches and repeat on the opposite side


3. Plank: this will target your lower back and all core muscles

How to do the exercise: Lie on your front propped up on your forearms and toes. Keep your legs straight and hips raised to create a straight and rigid line from head to toe. Your shoulders should be directly above your elbows. Focus on keeping your abs contracted during the exercise. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 8 to 10 times


4. Side plank: this will target your lower back, oblique and core muscles

How to do the exercise:  Lie on your side propped up on an elbow. Your shoulder should be directly above your elbow. Straighten your legs and raise your hips to create a straight and rigid line from head to toe. Keep your neck long and your shoulders down and away from your ears. Keep your abs contracted during the exercise. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 8 to 10 times. Repeat the exercise on the other side.


5. Crunch with legs raised: this will target your lower abdominals

How to do the exercise: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands across your chest. Slowly pull your knees into your chest, keeping them bent at 90 degrees, until your buttocks and tailbone come off the floor. Hold the position for a moment and lower down slowly. Perform 12 crunches.


Here are 5 simple food rules towards a flatter stomach and less bloating.

1. Eat a Healthy Snacks

For most people snacking is a weak spot and usually find themselves reaching for a pack of crisps or a chocolate bar. The problem junk snacks is that they can cause your insulin and blood sugar levels to rise, spike and drop leaving you feeling tired, lethargic and even more hungry. So rather than reaching for junk foods try and swap them for some nuts, or a piece fruit or vegetable sticks and dip


2. Stay Away From Salt

If you eat foods that are high in salt, this could be the reason your stomach is bloated. Salt is often hidden in foods to help make them taste better, so always read the label or just eat fresh home prepared snacks so you know what is in your food. You can add lots of flavour without adding salt just be using other herbs & spices.


3. Chew Slowly

Eating too fast will cause you to swallow breath and not chew your food properly causing not only poor digestion, but bloating in your stomach. Be mindful about what you are eating and you’re your time to enjoy all the flavours. By eating slowly and with no distractions mean you get time to relax and recharge.


4. Go Green!

Green tea and vegetable have antioxidants in them, which helps to boost your metabolism aiding your digestive system.


5. Watch The Sugar

Most people would be surprised to know how much ‘hidden’ sugar they are consuming on a daily basis. Even if you try your hardest to stay away from things such as chocolate bars and cookies, sugar is hidden in ‘healthy’ foods too. Things such as yoghurts, frozen foods, sauces, health bars and dressings may contain a large amount of sugar Perform Cardio Daily

Before you groan at the thought of slugging it out on the treadmill every day, hear me out! Performing any type of cardio daily can help keep your metabolism going and fat burning. This can be as simple as waking up earlier and going for a 30 minute walk, or incorporating HIIT into your exercise routine. Whatever it is, make sure to get your heart rate pumping at least once a day to help burn fat and get lean.

As insulin increases fat storage, consuming large amounts of sugar may make it harder to lose belly fat! The best thing to do is read all labels of food you consume carefully, and if you have an event coming up that you want to look your best for, stick to natural, wholesome foods.

Remember small change add up to one big change and the ultimate goal so try incorporating these easy tips into your everyday routine to achieve the best results!

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