6 Fun Ways You Can Help Your Child Learn New Words

Children are always trying to learn words and words can be a big challenge for them. They often don’t know how to spell words or they get words mixed up with other words. Learning new words is important, but it can seem overwhelming when you’re not sure where to start. In this blog post, we will go over 7 ways that your preschooler can learn new words in a fun way!

Play Games With Your Child and Use New Words in the Context of the Game

One of the fun ways to make sure your preschooler is learning new words is to play games with them. Engaging in a game teaches words as they are used and makes the words more memorable, one good example can be seen at unscramble.org, especially when it comes to learning at a young age. Choose a game that you have never played before so it will be new to your preschooler too!

– Go through the alphabet while talking about objects around the house or room.

– Create sentences using words from cards, e.g., “The car is yellow.”.

– Make up rhymes for words on flashcards.

– Take turns saying words out loud one by one until someone says stop (ideally 20).

If possible, try getting outside to play these games instead of staying inside all day – this way you can use even more new words like tree, shoe, sky, etc. If you’re low on words or ideas, try looking for words that are similar to the word you’re teaching and have your preschooler think of a connection between them.

Use New Vocabulary Words in Conversation With Your Child

Using new vocab in a conversation with your child will help them learn the word. Try to be consistent in using new words and the child is sure to pick it up!

Use different voices for each person you are talking about so that the child knows who is being discussed without having clues through facial expressions or body language.

Have the child repeat a sentence back to you if you’re unsure of its meaning, this helps with comprehension because they have heard what was said and can now try their hand at saying it themselves.

Reading books aloud together encourages discussion around vocabulary words like “silly” or “worried” as well as how characters are feeling which gives the context of when those emotions might arise in real-life situations (e.g ., the child is worried about going on a field trip).

Appealing to children’s interests whether it be in animals, colors, or shapes can help their vocabulary grow. You may also want to point out that you are amazed by the things they know when they use words correctly (e.g., “I love your blue shirt!”) and this will encourage them to continue using new words instead of forgetting what they have learned.

Childhood contains such an important stage for development because children learn so much during this time period before school starts. One way kids learn is through conversation with adults as well as other young people around them who share different perspectives and experiences which teaches empathy and understanding of differences all while speaking more complexly than otherwise.

Read Books to Your Child That Have a Lot of Unfamiliar Vocabulary 

Another interesting and fun way is to read books to your child that contain some words your child may not know. This will provide a good opportunity for your child to figure out what those words are and determine their meaning. Also, your reading may give them an opportunity to get a feeling for punctuation, which they will have to tackle soon as well.

– The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss has many words that children do not understand, but they can guess their meanings from clues in reading or sometimes just ask you!

– A Bear Called Paddington by Michael Bond is an example of another book that contains some hard vocabulary such as “eccentric” and “expedition”. Paddington explains these terms when he uses them throughout the story so kids learn while being read too.

Introduce Children’s Songs That Are Sung Using Different Languages or Dialects 

Your child hearing songs that are sung in different languages is a fun way for them to learn new words and expand their vocabulary.

– Get your child’s attention by singing the song together or adding it as part of an activity during playtime like puzzles, blocks, arts & crafts…

– Sing these songs slowly first then gradually increase tempo over time. This will help keep up with what they are hearing on television from international programming that may be too fast for them yet!

Encourage Children to Make Their Own Word Lists

If you manage to make your child make lists with words that the child sees, does, or hears then the child will have a lot of words to learn and this is the best way for children.

Create an index card with one word on it that your child would like to know more about.  The child can show you the cards when they see them again later in their day (e.g., at lunchtime, after school). This strategy also works well with older preschoolers who are learning how to read and write new words themselves!

Make up silly songs together where you name things around your house and include rhyming words if possible so that children pick up vocabulary naturally while enjoying singing along!

Teach Your Child How to Spell Their Own Name

Last but not least, if your child can spell his or her name, then the possibility of learning new words more easily is within the reach of your child. This is because when students spell their own name, they are more likely to spell other words in that same way (spelling mistakes like “bogus” or “sad,” for instance).

That’s why you should teach your preschooler how to spell his or her name in cursive and print so he can sign it at work for school. It doesn’t matter if the signature looks a little too messy just yet–even if there are some loops missing from the letters’ tails–he’ll learn over time as long as he practices often enough!


With a few tricks up your sleeve, you can have the time of your life playing games with your preschooler. These simple activities will not only help them learn new words and expand their vocabulary knowledge, but they’ll also form strong bonds between parent and child. If you want to see more smiles on both sides of the equation, give these tips a try!

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