With a Twist: 5 New Cocktails That Will Impress Your Friends

As lockdown eases and we begin to have more people around, the drinks will naturally start flowing. So, what can you pour for your friends that leave them dazzled at your bartending skills? The below list of delicious cocktails will be the talk of the party and in constant demand for refills, to the point that your main concern for the rest of the night will be whether or not you have enough glasses.

Pink Elephant Cocktail

With its shimmering finish and pink colour, this cocktail is as aesthetically pleasing as it is tasty. By combining vodka, fresh lime and rose lemonade, you’ll wow your guests with a drink they won’t have had before but will be dying to have again. Plus, despite its feminine appearance, it is loved by all manner of party guests, which is good given it only takes around 5 minutes to create.

Salted Caramel Iced Coffee Cocktail

An espresso martini was one of the most googled cocktails throughout lockdown, rightly so, given how delicious it is. Well, imagine an espresso martini but better. Whether you’re a fan of coffee, cocktails or both, this drink will be perfect. You can even add a heightened boost of flavour with a splash of caramel sauce at the bottom of each glass. Thanks to its gorgeous taste and caffeine boost, you’ll be able to keep the party going until the early hours.

CBD Gin and Tonic

Of course, if you’re going for a slightly different mood than a coffee-infused happy hour, why not try one of the newest trends of recent years, a CBD cocktail. The Gin and Tonic is a classic, and a CBD twist makes it even better. It is a combination of California-grown aromatics and a CBD oil float that perfectly complements the citrusy botanical notes.

There are plenty of websites to get the CBD oil from, such as Beliebis, which comes with an essential buyer’s guide, so you know that you’re getting the right one for your cocktail mixes.

CBD Pimm’s Cup

As the long-awaited heat of summer kicks in, it would be rude to put together a cocktail list without including a Pimm’s cocktail. By using Pimms, lemon juice, syrup, cucumber slices, CBD oil and ginger beer, you will have the perfect quirky cocktail for your garden parties.

Champagne Jelly Cups

A word of warning, these drinks are more of a desert as opposed to an easy-sipping cocktail. However, dessert or drink, one thing is for sure, your guests are going to love them! They look and taste stunning thanks to champagne infused jelly, which may even go down better than the party classic jelly shots.

The cups come together with a champagne layer, condensed milk and another champagne layer. Then, if you want to go all out, garnish the rim of the glass with some edible gold sprinkles and serve with a golden spoon, all of which will make a cocktail that can only be described as… well… golden.

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