How to Better Care for Your Skin at Home

The best habits start at home, and especially when it comes to healthy living. In regard to looking after your skin, you don’t need to worry about searching for the best professional treatments in salons or answers on store shelves. There are many things you can do from home to improve the look and health of your skin.

First Step: Pinpoint the Problem

When you’re dealing with skincare, it’s always a good idea to understand what the problem is so that you can take the right steps for tailored skincare. You may want to target aging, spots, dry skin, blemishes, or anything else that’s bothering you about your skin.

It may be that there’s no specific problem, and you’re looking for general skin health and to have your skin looking its general best, which is fine, too. As long as you know what your skin goals are, it’ll make it easier to get into a good habit.

Apply Sunscreen as Part of Your Morning Routine

Get into the habit of using sunscreen as well as other skincare and makeup products that you can easily apply at home before your day begins. This will help protect your skin against the sun’s damaging rays and also eliminate risks of aging signs, like lines and wrinkles. Some foundations include a sun protection factor in them, so it’s always worth checking that too.

Use an At-Home Device

Keeping on top of skincare is much easier if you can use professional devices at home instead of depending on professional appointments. It’s very easy to be unable to fit appointments into your busy schedule, so with an at-home skincare device that gives you professional results at home, like NuFACE, you can easily use it whenever you need.

These devices are also great for using on the go, so you can take on vacation or other trips with you and continue your skin treatment.

Drink Water

Remembering to drink enough water is something many people can struggle with, but if you’re at home, drinking water is easy. You can prepare a bottle from a water filter or straight from the tap to make sure you always drink enough water to promote healthy, hydrated skin — as well as benefitting your overall health.

Prepare Healthy, Home-Cooked Meals

Eating at home with home-cooked meals gives you more opportunity to include healthy ingredients compared to eating out or indulging on greasy takeaways. Including healthy fruit, vegetables, and all other beneficial ingredients will promote better overall health, which in turn has the potential to promote healthier and clearer skin.


Lock in your skin’s moisture as soon as you’ve come out of your shower or bath at home. Getting into a good all-over body moisturizing routine will help your skin to look young and feel refreshed. A good face moisturizer is also important for your at-home skincare routine, for both the mornings and the evenings. Be sure to find a face moisturizer that benefits your skin type.

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