Can You Avoid Empty Nest Syndrome?

There is a beautiful quote that says: “There are only two gifts we should give our children: one is roots, the other is wings.” The term ‘empty nest syndrome’ isn’t a medical term but it is rather a phenomenon in which parents suffer grief and despair when their (last) child leaves home. Even if you actively push your children to become self-sufficient, the process of letting go can be difficult. You could find it tough to adjust to not having any children at home. You could miss being a frequent companion and being a part of your children’s everyday lives. There are a few ways in which you can actively avoid empty nest syndrome.

Be Prepared

Avoid making comparisons between your child’s schedule and your own expectations or experiences. Since you were a school-leaver or graduate, the tradition of leaving for university or a new career and never returning has altered dramatically. Instead, concentrate on what you can do to assist your child in succeeding once he or she has left the house.

You can be instrumental in helping to handle some of the details of your child’s move. This can also be beneficial to you as you will know that they will be safe and in a good area. Do the research with your child. Companies like assist tenants all over the UK in finding shared accommodation while avoiding high costs and inconveniences. Be present to aid them with moving out, collecting whatever they’ll need, and demonstrating that you trust them to get it done. Establish new communication norms using Skype, email, and text.

Accept the Grief and Find Support

When your child leaves home, it’s natural to experience a sense of grief. Grief aids in coping and adjustment. If you need a good cry, go ahead and cry. Do not, however, allow yourself to become stuck there. This grief can help you move forward to the next step in rediscovering and reconnecting with the person you are.

It may be beneficial to speak with someone throughout this transition. Consider speaking with friends who have gone through similar experiences. Discuss your feelings with your partner. They’re likely to be affected by the loss as well.

It is critical to have a support system. Others, in addition to family and friends, can provide support. Consider joining a support group or an online community or going for counselling. There is no need to wallow in grief and suffer in silence.

Adjust Your Focus

It may be beneficial to start thinking ahead before the child departs. It’s also a good moment for you to find your own path. Take some time to consider who you are and what you want to accomplish.

Consider your hobbies, interests, career, volunteer activities, classes, or vacation opportunities. If you’ve been putting off projects, now is the time to get started. You can go at your own pace when looking into options. You will break free when your children do. It will assist you when the inevitable day of departure arrives.

Consider how much more time and energy you’ll have to dedicate to your marriage or personal hobbies once your final child has left the nest. This perspective may help you adjust to this huge life transition. Look for fresh opportunities while maintaining a sense of routine. You can go on dates again and reconnect with your partner in a way that was not possible before or you can take on new challenges at work.

You can seek solace in the fact that you are a great parent who has given your child wings. Let them soar.

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