Every parent is excited to see their child losing their first teeth. It’s a sign to show that the baby is growing and becoming big. At the age of five, most baby teeth come out on their own. However, in some instances, a baby may require the help of a physician to have their teeth extracted.
This article has all that you need to know about children’s teeth extraction. Some of the things you’re going to learn to include what child tooth extraction is, how to prepare your child for tooth extraction, finding the best physician, and much more. Read on.
What Is Child Tooth Extraction?
A child tooth extraction is a removal of a primary tooth through a surgical procedure. Ideally, children are supposed to lose their baby teeth naturally to allow permanent teeth to erupt. However, when this doesn’t happen, a child may require a dentist to pull out the tooth.
A dentist starts by doing some x-rays to check the tooth’s condition, then remove it using forceps. For more complex extractions, a dentist may remove some of the gum tissue near the tooth so that they can locate the tooth easily. For more details about tooth extraction, you can check https://www.grovecitydentalofblackfoot.com/extractions/ and other similar sites.
Why Does Your Child Need Tooth Extractions?
Teeth extractions for children aren’t common. A pediatric dentist recommends a child tooth extraction after all other treatment options have failed to work. With that said, some common reasons for baby tooth extractions include the following.

- Extreme Tooth Decay
Decay is one of the common reasons for teeth extractions in young children. Compared to adults, children’s teeth enamels are very delicate. As a result, cavities tend to form on kid’s teeth, especially in molars.
In addition, most children don’t fully adhere to dental health care best practices. This makes food materials accumulate on the teeth, thus causing them to decay.
When a child fails to seek medical attention, they might experience extreme teeth decay that can’t be corrected with a filling or performing a root canal. In that case, a dentist will recommend tooth extractions. The removal of a tooth helps prevent bacteria from spreading to other teeth.
- Trauma
When children fall or are involved in any other kind of accident, their teeth are more prone to damage than other parts of the body. An accident can damage or break a child’s teeth.
For minor injuries, a child’s tooth can be treated by performing pediatric pulp therapy or full coverage. However, if the tooth is severely damaged to save, a dentist may recommend extractions.
- Gum Diseases
Like tooth decay, gum diseases in children are caused mainly by poor oral hygiene. When children fail to take good care of their mouth, some food remains may pile on their teeth, which provides bacteria and other micro-organisms with a hiding place.
These bacteria can damage the gum, causing it to bleed and swell. If this condition isn’t treated, it can progress to a pediatric periodontal disease, which can severely affect the teeth, gums, and jawbone.
When gums are affected by this disease, they become too weak to support the teeth. Therefore, a child’s teeth may become loose to the extent of falling out. However, if the teeth don’t fall out on their own, extractions may be necessary to remove them.
- Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Impaction occurs when the growth of one tooth, especially a third molar, also known as wisdom teeth, pushes directly against another or when it gets stuck under the gum. When this happens, the impacted tooth becomes prone to infection, which can cause the gum to swell and start bleeding.
Therefore, if you see signs of impacted teeth in your child, the best thing to do is take them to a dentist for teeth extractions. This helps prevent further damage to other teeth.
How To Prepare Your Child For Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction can be a scary experience for children, especially for the first time. That’s why you need to prepare your child before the tooth extraction procedure. If you fail to prepare your child, the surgical procedure can prove to be a stressful and traumatizing experience for your child and can leave a long-lasting effect. The good news is that you can do a few things to prepare your child for a tooth extraction.
With that said, here are some tips to help your child feel more comfortable about the tooth extraction procedure.
- Work With An Experienced Pediatric Dentist
One of the best things to prepare your child for a smooth tooth extraction procedure is by finding an experienced pediatric dentist. Working with a qualified and experienced pediatric dentist is essential because such physicians are trained to help reduce fear and stress in children before the tooth extraction. So, finding an experienced dentist can make a difference in whether or not your child will have a good experience during their tooth extractions.
- Involve Your Child In The Decision
Though small children might not be able to make wise decisions, you shouldn’t ignore their inputs. So, when making a decision to have your child’s tooth extracted, be sure to involve them rather than deciding on your own. This will allow you to understand what they prefer most. For instance, a child might not be willing to go to a dentist and might be willing to wait until their teeth fall out naturally. So, it’s only through having a dialogue with your child that you can make the final decision.
- Focus On Positive Aspects
Before the tooth extraction procedure, sit down with your child and tell them about the benefits of having their teeth removed. While you might think that there are no positive aspects of tooth extractions, that’s not true.
There are several benefits you can consider telling your child to encourage them or put their minds at ease. For instance, you can tell your child that tooth extraction can help promote their oral and overall health. You can also promise your child that you’ll buy them presents after the tooth extraction. This allows your child to be positive and willing to go through the tooth extraction procedure.
- Encourage Your Child To Ask Questions
Another best way to prepare your child for tooth extraction is to encourage them to ask as many questions as possible. This allows them to understand the procedure in a better way.
So, whenever your child asks a question, be sure to respond in a simple language they can understand. And whenever you don’t have answers to your child’s questions, it’d be a good idea to google or ask your preferred dentist for answers rather than giving misleading information. Answering your child’s questions in the right way can help reduce the fear of the unknown.
- Talk To People Whose Children Have Been Through Teeth Extractions
Talking to people whose children have been through teeth extractions is the best to get the right information about preparing your child. Such people will tell you what to expect and how the tooth extraction procedure looks like. They can also be able to recommend the best pediatric dentist in your locality.
- Allow Your Child To Have A Relaxing Day
When going to the surgical room, your child needs to be of sober mind. That’s why you need to have one day or two before the procedure to allow your child to relax. For that reason, you can allow your child to participate in an activity they love. For instance, you can take your child to a game park or allow them to ride a bicycle.
After that, allow your child to have enough sleep the night before the tooth extraction procedure. This allows your child to have peace of mind and avoid anxiety during the surgical procedure.
- Allow Your Child To Carry Comfort Objects
On the day of tooth extraction, allow your child to carry along with them some items they like most. For instance, if your child loves a toy car, allow them to hold them during the tooth extraction procedure. This will minimize anxiety and links their current fearful situation with their normal home life. Also, if your child likes to listen to music, allow them to carry it along with them an audiobook. Doing what they enjoy most will act as a distractor from the current anxious tooth extraction procedure.
How To Find The Best Pediatric Dentist For Your Child?
Pediatric dentists are qualified physicians to take care of children’s dental needs. So, if you’ve decided to have your child’s tooth extracted, you need to visit a pediatric dentist.
However, sometimes the process of finding the best pediatric dentist can be an overwhelming task. Therefore, you need to be extra careful when finding one so that you can be sure that you’re working with the right dentist for your kid.
Below are some hacks to help you find the best pediatric dentist for your child.
- Qualification
Qualification is one of the most important things you must consider when selecting a pediatric dentist for your child. So, when searching, be sure to settle for a specialist who is qualified and accredited by the relevant professional bodies.
An accredited specialist is a person who has gone through the relevant training and been awarded a practicing certificate. So, to ensure you’re working with a genuine pediatric dentist, it’d be a good idea to ask them to show you their qualification and practicing certificate.
- Read Online Reviews
Another way to identify a good pediatric dentist is to read other customers’ reviews and feedback. So, once you’ve listed a few specialists, it’d be a good idea to look at reviews on their website comment section. This gives you an overview of what to expect from your preferred pediatric dentist. For instance, if you find many positive reviews, it means that most customers have been satisfied with a particular dentist’s services. So, your child is also likely to get better services from such a dentist.
- Ask For Recommendations
Asking for recommendations from other parents is another effective way to select the best pediatric dentist within your locality. So, it’d be a good idea to move around and engage with parents who have had their children’s teeth extracted and ask them to recommend the best specialist to you. Seeking advice and recommendations from other parents can give you more information than what a website visit can offer.
- Consider The Location
Though you might be willing to work with the most famous pediatric dentist in the region, sometimes the distance might limit you. For that reason, you need to choose a dentist near you.
There are several disadvantages of working with a faraway dentist. For instance, longer distances can inconvenience you or extend the anxiety of your child.
How To Take Care Of Your Child After Undergoing Tooth Extraction?
A few days following the day of tooth extraction, your child may experience some pain and discomfort. However, you can follow the following tips to keep your child pain-free and help heal quickly.
- Give Your Child Soft Food
After tooth extraction, your child might not be able or comfortable chewing food. That’s why you need to give them soft food that requires little or no chewing at all.
If you give your child hard food, it can increase pain and discomfort. Therefore, consider giving your child soft food items like pancakes, eggs, yogurt, porridge, juice, and much more. This should continue for about three days.
- Encourage Your Child To Rinse Their Mouth With Saltwater
A few hours after reaching home, allow your child to rinse their mouth with warm saltwater. This prevents the exposed area or socket from being infected by bacteria. It also helps ease the pain and allows the affected area to heal faster.
- Do Not Allow Your Child To Participate In Heavy Activities
To allow your child to heal faster, it’d be a good idea to prevent them from participating in heavy tasks or activities. For that reason, you need to consult your pediatric dentist to find out the right time for your child to go back to their normal activities. In addition, allow your child to rest or sleep whenever they feel tired.
- Allow Your Child To Continue Brushing
Though your child’s mouth will be susceptible and painful after the tooth extraction, allow them to continue brushing their teeth and washing their mouth. This will help kill germs and prevent further infections. However, to avoid further damage to the affected area, your child needs to brush their mouth more gently than usual.
Milk teeth extractions are one of the most common dentistry procedures for small children. Some of the reasons a child may require a tooth extraction include decay, trauma, impacted wisdom teeth, and gum diseases. However, if you decide to have your child’s tooth extracted, you need to prepare your child. Preparing your child minimizes the fear and anxiety that are associated with the tooth extraction procedure.